Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Video Podcasts are up!

Great news! The Camtasia tutorials I have completed are now up as video podcasts as well as flash!


I hope to have the audio podcasts ready soon and more Camtasia videos as well.

Dr. Echevarria, from the Podcast Pilot group, has also given me some great links for learning how to use GarageBand to create podcasts:




Also of interest, the DiMenna-Nyselius library at Fairfield University has made some very creative podcasts for their English 102 classes: http://www.fairfield.edu/lib_podcasts.html"

They personify their databases and then interview them. It seems a little silly but it just might work. I passed a final in Geology once by turning all my study material into a children's story so I could remember it.

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